March 13, 2012

Weekend Recap

We had a fantastic weekend! Friday night, I left the boys at home and went to NWAFW to support my amazing sister, of Mae's Heirlooms, whose jewelry was part of Friday night's show. We had a terrific time! So proud of her and everything she has accomplished with her store!!

Saturday night, son got to go stay with his grandparents (to say he was excited would be an understatement! he barely said goodbye to his mommy when Papi came and picked him up!) and husband and I had a date night. It was looooooong overdue! It is so easy to forget how important it is to put your marriage first. This is definitely something we need to do more often! The only disappointed of the evening was that we did not take one photo! :/ Something we need to work on!
We were celebrating 6 months of being married and we really had such a terrific time. We started out with dinner at Posta Plata in Fayetteville. If you have not been there, please go try it! Everything we had was delicious! Then we went to Bordino's for dessert and champagne and then went to a couple of the husband's favorite hang outs. It was a blast and it was so nice to just get to sit and talk. It had been so long since we have gotten the chance (or honestly, just made the time) to carry on uninterrupted conversation. Everyone knows that marriage is hard and marriage with a toddler is pretty tricky sometimes (although COMPLETELY worth it, of course!). Sometimes you just have to step back from your everyday chores, work, friends, life, etc and just focus on each other. Sunday, I was pooped and missing my boy so I did some quick grocery shopping and then headed to the grandparents to pick him up. We spent the rest of the day playing cars, gluing macaroni to paper (and everything else!) and just snuggling. I made a quick (and not at all fancy) dinner and the three of us piled up in the bed to watch a movie. Love!

Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend too!

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