March 26, 2012

Sunday Sweets-French Breakfast Puffs

This Sunday for church, I made Pioneer Woman's, French Breakfast Puffs and oh my goodness, were they ever delicious!! I had to send them with Husband due to scheduling and naps for the birthday party that afternoon so I didn't get to see reactions first hand but there weren't any leftovers sent back home which is always a good sign (although, I didn't get a photo before he left so I was secretly hoping one would have made it back home to snap a pic of). Since I followed the recipe exactly, I won't bore you with typing it out on here but please, please go HERE and make these SOON! I think you could also omit the outer coating and use the basic recipe as a sweet bread/muffin or as a base for fruit topping, pudding, etc....the possibilities are endless!! Sorry about the lack of photo...I do know I will be making another batch again very soon so I will be sure to get a photo then!!

To tide you over and convince you to try these tasties out, here is the photo from Pioneer Woman's website for the recipe:

um, yeah, they really are as good as they look...

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