March 14, 2012

Camera Curiosity...

Today, our son is having Spring pictures at his school and we got all decked out in our "handsome clothes" this morning. That baby LOVES to wear his "handsome clothes"! However, when I wanted to get a good picture of him, my iPhone camera wasn't cutting it which leads me to today's post. I would like to get a better camera but have no idea where to start. Everything that I have found is oh-my-goodness expensive....are there any more affordable camera options? or any ideas of where to search to buy something used? I know these things are definitely an investment and will be something that we will save up for over the next year or so so I am just trying to start researching now and see what my options are. Until I someday am able to take the plunge into a large purchase like that, iPhone pics will be proudly adorning this space :)

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