March 28, 2012

Happy Birthday, Miller!

Happy birthday, Miller! For those of you who do not know about the Woodruff family, please, please go here and read this precious family's story. This sweet family I know through a mutual very close friend and to say that they have touched my heart is the GREATEST understatement. On this day last year, their amazing son, Miller McNeil Woodruff was born and in a very short 87 days, he changed the lives of everyone around him and his family and God called him to Heaven where he is today celebrating with what can only be the very, very best 1st birthday party ever. Please, please, please take a minute to read their story and say some prayers for them today and everyday. I am humbled to even know this family on a first name basis and am so very proud of everything they have done to educate us about SMA. Miller, while I never met you personally or got to hold your sweet, sweet face, I have followed your story and your family's story and you, without a doubt, have made such a HUGE impact on my heart. I know your mommy and daddy and big brother, Cole, miss you more than words could ever express as does everyone else that has been so touched by their strength and faith. I know you are happy and healthy celebrating this big day up in Heaven!!! Please continue to make your presence known and felt by all of us especially your sweet family!! We're with Miller!! /\/\/\/\/\

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