May 7, 2012

whew, anyone still there?

There have been so many things going on both large and small in our McCarty house so glad to be getting back to normal and to be back from a short (but seems like forever!) blogging break. Crazy schedules, late nights, a few small ups and downs pulled me away for longer than I would like but everything is settling down and I am back!

Here is a quick run down of a few things we have been up to:

* birthday cook out for husband..happy birthday, husband! 

* potty training....enough said there (all you mommy's and daddy's will know that this is not THAT big of a deal however it does take some of my focus away from everyday life)

* spent last weekend helping my lovely sister with a moving sale....lots of late nights, sweat (goodness, it was hot!), and laughter <3 Love you, sister!!

*and, the above moving sale lead to this:

a new Etsy store..which can be found here..born from a combined love of vintage but lack of space! Stay tuned  for more to come on that!! I am BURSTING with excitement for this new found venture and re-awakened love of fabulous tids and bits from days gone by. 

There is so much more but I will spare the details here. Just know that I am glad to be back and excited about the things to come! 

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