May 14, 2012

Photo Life

This last week/weekend daddy was on a business trip in Florida so Finny and I spent every moment we could together and just enjoyed some great Mommy/Son time. I didn't make fancy dinners, I didn't clean anything unless he was napping, I did nothing except snuggle that baby until he was tired of mommy being his shadow and we had to get out of the house for a minute.....I thought that didn't happen until the teenage years?? ;) 

Sending a photo to Daddy in FL (see our finished paintings behind him? He LOVES to paint!)

Right before I needed to get him dressed and head to a birthday party....needless to say, that sleepy man didn't last long at the party! Happy birthday, Winnie!! <3

Taking a milk break at Fayetteville Farmer's Market

At the Farmer's Market with our "Donda" (my lovely mother-in-law)..too much excitement to cheese for this photo!

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