May 23, 2012

Eureka Springs Family Date Night

As some of you know, Husband and his father run a company called Century Cash Register in Springdale that sells point of sale systems to retail stores, restaurants, and bars. Husband does the tech support, programming, and installation of said systems in many businesses in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Louisiana. The downfall is a lot of time on the road but the definite plus to his occupation is getting to go and try new places we may not have normally gone! One of those places is Ermilios Italian in Eureka Springs. Husband spent some time up there Wednesday of last week and while he was there, the super friendly and lovely owner Paul invited Husband to bring us back for dinner Friday night and to check out the White Street Art Walk that was going on that evening. Husband asked me and I said "OF COURSE!!". Eureka Springs is only about 45 minutes away from us so not too far at all to pile in the car after work and head that way. I worked through my lunch on Friday so that we could get on the road a little earlier and we were off! Road trip!

uh, Husband? :)


We arrived in Eureka, parked right behind the restaurant and set off. Since we got there pretty early, we were able to beat most of the crowds and boy, am I glad we did!! Navigating the stroller was a little tricky once more people showed up! We didn't end up buying anything on the Art Walk but we did see some very lovely art items and some other, ahem, rather interesting items:

Exhibit A:

What? Why? Who? I dunno but they are set in concrete so those puppies aren't going anywhere!

After we took in the sights, we headed back to the important part of the evening.....the food!!!!!! We had a dinner "reservation" (they don't take reservations but we were able to get a special favor...thank you, Paul!) at 7 but got back a little early and pulled a few strings to get our table around 6:30. I don't even know how that happened considering there was a TWO HOUR wait to eat!! But, let me tell you something, people....


The food was absolutely amazing. I did not get one single photo of anything we ate *sniff* because I was too busy EATING! Next time...I promise...

So what did we eat?? Well, lemme tell ya! This is where I wish I had taken some photos because we couldn't help ourselves!

Roasted Garlic Cloves with Fresh Bread

Entrees: (Dining at our table was Husband, Son, Father-in-Law (who was there working that evening), & I)

Me: Salmon with Steamed Veggies and Side Salad
Finny: "Mom's Homemade Meatballs" with Penne Pasta (easier for him to eat)
Husband: Pan Roasted Pork Chop with Steamed Veggies and a side of Eggplant Parmesan 
Father-in-Law: Filet Mignon, Steamed Veggies and a side of Eggplant Parmesan. 

Me: Tiramisu 
Finny: Chocolate Cake
Husband: Italian Cream Cake
Father in Law: also got the chocolate cake although the slices were HUGE and he probably should have just shared with Finny. 

When I first started writing this post, I was describing how delicious each item was until I realized that most of the items we had were some of the VERY best preparations of each items I had ever had. Best salmon ever, best pork chop ever, best eggplant Parmesan ever, and very, very, very best spaghetti sauce ever so instead I decided just to list our meals and refrain from repeating myself....too much. Just take my word for it. Worth the drive, worth the wait if there is one. Also, I should note, there is a lounge upstairs that has a small bar and board games so if you are waiting, please head upstairs and pass your time that way if you can. 

You guys......PLEASE please go eat here. Please let me take you I can go again? Every single thing we ordered was amazing and delicious. The atmosphere was great, the history of the restaurant and location is terrific, our server was fantastic....I am craving it as we speak and will be asking husband to take me back again VERY soon! Once again here is the website, please go check it out and tell Paul we sent you! 

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