May 31, 2012

Black Thumb Betty

If you have read this blog before, you may have picked up  on something....I have a black thumb....not just a black thumb but more of a black bubble surrounding me where any plant that gets within 5 feet of me, leans over and dies on the spot. I kid you not. So far this spring, I have successfully killed two ferns....actually, my lovely birdy friends killed those but I had a hand in it since I couldn't figure out what to do to keep the stinkers out of my hanging baskets or keep my ferns alive while the little birdies nested in there, one small floral hanging basket..(I seriously don't know what happened. I received two hanging baskets from my lovely mother-in-law for Mother's Day-to replace the aforementioned ferns, of course, and one it thriving and beautiful and the other one completely turned from green to white and dried up even though I continued to water it, had them both in the same location, etc) and, I am sad to admit that even though Son's plant he grew me at school seemed to be doing great for about a week or two there, it too suddenly looks a little "off" and "sickly". Anywhoooo, moral of the story is I cannot grow ANYTHING............

or couldn't.....until now. 

What am I talking about you might ask?

a container garden.

do ignore the grass that is not growing right there...potted plants are my area...the grass? leave that to my husband...I like to call him Hank Hill when it comes to our yard..he LOVES working in the yard and has been working VERY hard to get it in tip top shape and we will be removing/replanting/something with this back area so excuse the "work in progress" there

I know....I know....what am I thinking?? why on Earth would I put these poor seeds through the certain demise of not surviving in my care? Well, to be honest, wishful thinking? maybe a stubborn attitude that tells myself "I WILL grow something successful, dangit! (other than that sweet baby, of course)

and you know what??


These last pictures were taken a couple of days ago and they have grown even more since! (I will try and remember to take another picture this evening to update)

So, here is what we have growing (or not growing) in our container garden:

Green Bell Peppers

The zucchini, cucumbers, basil, and cilantro were all planted from seeds and the peppers were planted from small plants I purchased at Lowe's. I chose these plants for several reasons. Numero uno, they are all things that my household will eat enough of to make it worth the money spent to grow them. They are all things I purchase weekly either at the local farmer's market or at our local grocery stores so I know they will be something that will be easily consumed at our home (as much as I would have loved to grow some tomatoes, I am the only one in the house that eats them therefore cannot justify trying to grow them) Numero dos, my mother in law inspired me with her "garden". She has container plants in her backyard where she grows yellow squash, cucumbers, and tomatoes and since she lives very close to us, I thought...hmm, I wonder if I can do that? So, I gave it a shot and so far, so good.....well, except for the cilantro....turns out (much to my taste buds sadness...*sniff*) cilantro doesn't like to be hot....should have done some more research on that one...I know it can be grown in our area but I need to go about it differently...turns out when cilantro's soil gets above about 75 or so, it gets cranky, packs up, and leaves town. While I am stubborn in wanting to be a gardener, cilantro is more stubborn and flat out said...nope, not gonna grow for you, lady....nice try. 

So, please continue to join me here for successes and failures of container gardening!! and maybe more! 

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