April 17, 2012

On a more serious note....

You guys....I have to tell you something. We, Husband and I, are not very healthy. For reals. I used to be....back when I was single and passed my time with a run everyday and was only cooking for myself and made a not-so-exciting but tasty version of fish or chicken and steamed broccoli almost daily. But, then I fell hopelessly in love......with someone who loves food as much as I do...maybe not as much, because y'all, I LOVE food. Each meal is spent thinking about what yummy deliciousness I will cook next. Great for my kitchen but not so great for my waist line. Since I met my darling husband, work out time got replaced with date nights (No regrets there though....Husband, I love you and you are completely worth all these pounds!!) I have consistently held on to about 12 to 15 pounds. (!!!!!!!!). I did manage to lose a majority of it for our wedding day but gained it ALL back on our honeymoon where we indulged and ate amazing food from Memphis BBQ to Sweet Potato Pancakes at The Pancake Pantry in Nashville. (Stop here for just a second, GO, GO NOW to Nashville and eat here. It is no joke, that I love Nashville like I love Austin. Please go there. Let us take you. When can you leave? Ready yet?) Anyhoo, back to the real subject here....the weight. While 15 pounds doesn't seem like much, it isn't just the pounds, it is the make up of my body that has changed as well. Broccoli was replaced with cookies and muscle was replaced with fat. Not pretty, people. I know what you are thinking.....it's really not much/should be easy to lose/people lose more weight than that all the time/what are you complaining about, etc. But, it is a lot to me and coming from someone who worked really hard to lose FIFTY pounds after I had my son, I was not going to let it continue to get the best of me. So, Husband and I have decided the time has come to revamp our lives and get healthy. Not just to lose weight, etc but with both of us coming from a long family history of diabetes, the sooner the better. So, why am I telling you all of this? Partially because of support. Partially to make a vow to all of you (to Husband, to my mom who I know reads this blog...Hi, mom!, to anyone else who might stumble along) that we are not "dieting", we are making a life style change to get healthy for our minds, our bodies, and our hearts. And, last but not least, if you come here for the cookin', we are still gonna be cookin' ...just know that we are gonna "lighten up" a little. I plan on taking our favorite recipes and trying to make them better for us but still be knock you socks off delicious. It can be done! I have no doubt about that! So, join us if you would like, follow along if you would like, make your own vow to get healthy and we will support you too!

So, stay tuned for some "Fitter Fave Foods", exercises, and inspiration to be peppered here and there in My McCarty House! <3

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