September 12, 2012

A few little things...

A few weeks ago, I emailed the lovely Brandilyn Haynes, from Cats and Cardigans, to not only tell her how much I enjoy her blog but, to also ask her how she felt about me "borrowing" an idea for a post that she had done several times (a post on things that she is grateful for). I didn't really expect a response back but, I knew I didn't want to proceed without reaching out to her first. Well, she not only emailed me back but was also incredibly kind! That lady gets an A++ in my book! So, once a week, I would like to start just jotting down the things I am grateful for or things that make me happy (yes, I know, I know.....but, you hardly post once a week so does that mean these will be the only posts you do?! no, no..I am working on doing better about that!). Here it goes!

Things that make me happy this week:

Happy Anniversary, husband!! 

Lunch and dinner date in one day with Husband for above! Greek food here AND salmon kabobs here in one day?! yes, please!

the not one, but TWO bouquets of flowers husband got me....holy moly! 

Happy birthday, sister!! My lovely and amazing older sister and celebrating a birthday today! <3 

Getting to take my sister lunch and presents at her shop today to celebrate! um, I may or may not share a similar strong love of Greek food with my sister....and we may or may not have had that for lunch today...two times in three days is too much, you say? Fuh-gettaboutit! PS..if you live in NWA, go getcha some Kosmo' right now. man, oh, man...moving on

Having son make a birthday video singing happy birthday to said sister and all the comedic moments that may have included. best. video. ever. watch out, hallmark! 

Spending the weekend working on something that must remain nameless until a later date.....I may or may not have stayed in my pajamas and glasses most of the weekend working away but, it was totally worth it....sorry, husband! much of it already and it's only Wednesday! 

Things that made me less than happy this week: daycare. yes, this does happen and no, it is not the first time. Sets a very good example to my Finny on the difference between right and wrong and makes me hope he always tries to do the right thing. 

Choosing my tallest heels on a day when I have to power walk/sprint through the mall to get strawberry gummies (for sister's birthday) and chinese take out for husband.....I may or may not have dropped my phone then almost tripped on my own shoe in about ten feet. flats, lo lo, flats...

discovering I start every sentence with "so..", "well," or "may or may not have"......the publishers are lined up over here, folks...lined up, I say! 

That's all! Hope everyone is having a fantastic week! 

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