September 26, 2012

Photo(less) Life

Guys----you will never guess what I did.....(actually, husband you are probably not the in the least surprised by the statement I am about to type)

I deleted everything on my phone. 


contacts, photos, videos, to do lists, saved random notes on things I wanted to remember......


Sooooooooo, I don't have any photos to share....I did...I promise! I had lots of photos that I was overdue to post here but, they are gone. Along with some videos I really wanted to treasure. Shoot again. Awesome video I made of Finn singing happy birthday to my sister so I could send it to her at the crack of dawn on her actual birthday? deleted. Pictures of the super top secret craft project I couldn't tell you about until after it was given to sister for her birthday? deleted. 

Thank the stars above that I had recently transferred most of my photos, etc over to our home computer so that when I updated the ol iphone to the new iOS 6 without plugging it into itunes (I had JUST updated my phone to the last OS without plugging it in and had no problems so I assumed (you know what THAT means) this update could be done the same), it only deleted a month or so worth of memories as opposed to a year's. 

Believe me! LOTS of photos will be taken from now on and shared IMMEDIATELY on the blog before ol Mrs. McFancyphone has the chance to delete them again. 

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