September 17, 2012

whoa, momma....

Whew! What a weekend!! How about yours? This weekend we really didn't do a whole lot...partially because we have been so busy that I was not only badly in need of a weekend at home but also, if I didn't get some housework done, dust bunnies were going to start playing games with Finn! (I am only half joking here, guys....I feel like I can be honest here!) Although, if we are REALLY being honest, I would tell you that Finn already has lots of "people" to play with around our house because he has several imaginary friends....Hi, Fred, Annie, and oh, um, one other "friend" whose name doesn't get said as often as the first that strange to talk about? We are pretty out in the open with the "friends" at our house. Anyone have an opinion on that?

Which brings me to what I really got on here to talk toddler. We are three months and 2 months old.....going on 16. Does anyone else have this problem? Growing up, I remember people joking about the "Terrible Two's" then as I got older and got to where my friends were actually having children, the truth came out that the "Three's" were actually worse than the "Two's" and man, they kind of are! There is a fine line between being old enough to know right and wrong and then just pushing the boundaries to see how far they will go before mommies eyes go crossed! Then there is also that line between "independence" and "neediness". While this may all sound like I am complaining, please understand that I am NOT! Children are a gift from God. To be fortunate enough to raise a child where my biggest complaint or worst experience is a touch of sass is truly and completely a blessing. We are beyond blessed in a countless number of ways so please do not think I am enjoying a pity party for one here...I really am not! I am however curious if any of you readers can give me some insight into your own parenting methods....what works for you? Are you a time out household? Do favorite toys go into time out? Do you spank? (yes, yes, I know...I just opened a flood gate here with that one.......I just want to hear what "works" for everyone else). In our house, it seems as though the best response to a fit is to simply walk the other direction. Nothing makes my son stop a fit quicker then if I just walk out of the room.  Next thing you know, "tears" have stopped and he is right behind me.....but, then that makes me this reallllllly working if he continues to start to throw the fits in the first place? or is this just that road that all parents go down where you just wait and follow the old saying "this too shall pass".

This post has already been wordy enough, so I am going to leave this open for discussion. 

What works in your household? What advice do you have? What methods to you use in your household to correct bad behavior or mold your children into gracious and respectful adults of the future?

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