October 1, 2012

For Cindy, SuperTy's SuperMomma

Today is Super Ty's momma's birthday. Instead of birthday wishes, she asked that people share his story. You all know that I have shared it here before but, if you have not taken the time to go read it or if you don't have more than 15 seconds, please say a quick thought of prayer for them today...especially for Cindy. She has fought (and continues to fight) against horrible, terrible cancer for her son. Her first born. Her baby. Only God truly knows how much longer their battle will be but, I do know that her battle will live on until one day when her and Ty are both in heaven without cancer, without pain, without medicine, without crankiness caused by steroids, without sadness, and without tears. 

Please take a minute to go read their story. If anything, go look at the photo she posted of Ty this weekend smiling so big! So brave! 

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