I am back from my week long birthdaybonanazapalooza celebration and finally over what I like to call my "birthday hangover" (not that kind of hangover, peeps...) Let me just say...it was awesome. So many thoughtful gifts, great lunch dates, fun surprise activities, etc. They deserve a post all of there own and there will be one once I can get my photos organized and all that. I guess I am moving a bit slower in my old age...ahem
Since today is Halloween "Eve", let's talk for a second....
This year, we are not going trick or treating....
let that sink in for a minute....
Or, maybe you don't have to but, for some reason I am having to defend myself somewhat for this decision. The reason behind this is that my son is a bit timid about some things. Friday night I took him to my dear friend V's annual Halloween Party (seriously, Martha would be jealous...always a great time!) and even though we knew everyone there, my son was terrified. We spent 99% of the evening in the toy room playing just the two of us or in one of the boys' bedrooms jumping on their mini trampoline. He just didn't understand the costumes.....and, it wasn't even just the grown ups that he was afraid of. He was also scared of the kids that were dressed up. I knew that he was timid about things before the party (trying to watch Wallace and Gromit the other night lasted about 2 minutes and we were up with nightmares) but, I thought he would be fine since we were at a familiar house with familiar people....I was wrong. Let's just say he is definitely like his momma and just does NOT do well with things that are the least bit "scary" so for that reason, we gave him the choice of what he wanted to do. His reply "I want to have a dance party" (side note: we quite often turn some music on in our house and dance around...it's fun, it's exercise, it's a good laugh..we like it). So, instead of risking more late nights and bad dreams, I am having a "Mini Monster Bash" at our house and together Finn and I will be making some very, very kid friendly Halloween themed foods (sugar cookies, banana ghosts, etc) and just playing at home. The only problem is, I am having to really explain myself for this...wait...what? From the child's point of view, he is just fine. He has a Halloween party and costume parade at Pre-K tomorrow and then fun activities at home? Oh, yeah, he is PUMPED! But, I somehow feel like a "bad parent" for not taking him door to door to get candy this year. I have no problem with trick or treating at all...I just think he will do better next year when he "gets it" a little better. Am I the only parent who is in this position? Does anyone else have this going on right now? Am I depriving my child of something this year? Any advice on how to explain this to other people without being looked at like I am crazy?
I feel guilty now like I am keeping him from something even though I really and truly think it is for the best. Any thoughts?
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