August 16, 2012

rambling, ranting, rejoicing?

If you have read this blog before (mostly just dear Husband and my mom...hi, mom!), then you know that there really isn't any "category" that it falls isn't a "food" blog or a "parenting" blog or a "DIY" blog..and surely not a fashion blog (I crack myself up even TYPING the word fashion on this blog) really is just a place for me to ramble, jot down important memories, share things I create (um, somehow without pictures...geesh), etc. It's really just my "place" tiny little space on the internet where I can express what is on my mind...sometimes it doesn't make sense....mostly because I am not very good with words (if you know me in "real" life, you know that I am TERRIBLE with words when I speak so sometimes it is best for me to write them out). However, sometimes I still can't express how I am feeling even when I type. The only way I can describe it is just "off" or "not like myself" (which I know I have touched on this subject before to my bloggy friends). The reason I am bring all of this up is I just read an older blog post on a blog that really expressed how I feel sometimes and I really wanted to share it with you. The blog is called "Cats and Cardigans" and can be found here....the specific post I am talking about can be found here. Her name is Brandilyn and she is a GREAT writer (and would probably shudder at my "write like I think and not necessarily what is grammatically correct" writing style). She talks about how she gets "grumpy" sometimes and about how she has an alter-ego named "Belinda". I feel like that sometimes.....sometimes I am cranky for no reason and sometimes I am sad for no reason (seriously, God has blessed me with an incredible life so I have NO reason to ever complain) and I am sensitive and I write long sentences that (if she ever read this) would make both her and her alter ego throw their hands up in frustration and walk in the other, that's about it. She is a great writer so check out her blog (and her adorable baby boy!) and thanks for listening!

Weekend/Week Wrap-up

Whew, Thursday already!! Time has just been FLYING, here is a quick run down of what we have been up to....

  •  (oh, the professional? so cheesy? so something?) Friday night, I baked some cupcakes for my friend's husband's birthday. Because I had to be up early Saturday morning, I had to bake these Friday night and then ice them Saturday right before she picked them up
  • why did I have to be up early Saturday morning? To run my second 5k....and it went GREAT! For several reasons...first off, it wasn't 4 bazillion degrees this was actually, dare I say, brisk? chilly, even? Second, because I set small goals for myself (sometimes..more on that later). For my first 5k, I just wanted to finish...I didn't even care if I had to stop and walk once in a while...just wanted to finish. (Yes, I did have to stop and walk a couple of times...I have said before (maybe to you guys?) that I am not a runner....I would like to be and am working my way there but definitely not winning any medals over here!). This time, I set two goals: 1) To run the whole time and 2) To beat my time from before......and I did! I only stopped one time for a few seconds to tie my shoe (lesson learned to double knot your laces) and finished a full 3 minutes and 12 seconds faster then before. I will take that, ladies and gents...sure will.
  • Saturday, Husband's parents wanted to keep Finn overnight so Husband and I got to have an impromptu (and much needed) date night! We had dinner at Mimi's, played a round of putt putt, went to Dairy Queen for some ice cream, and then went home and stayed up way too late watching tv shows on Netflix
  • Sunday, I got a wild hair to redo my house....namely, the spare bedroom/office "situation" (yes, it was a messy situation) and Son's room. Being the beginner blogger that I am....I didn't take before, what?!! whoops :( BUT, I promise to take some good photos of the finished product this weekend and share them! Separate post on what all I did to follow......REALLY wish I would have taken those pictures!
  • Sunday evening, we went to water the grandparents horses and feed their fish so we went back to Dairy Queen for a cheeseburger.....remember me eating healthy? yeah, not all the time...sometimes after a long day of painting/scrubbing/moving, etc, a girl's just HAS to have a burger...right? ;)
So, that's about it! This week we have just been workin, schoolin, shippin some things for the Etsy store (remember that? yep, she's still going strong!, plus, a church swim party last night and Son is off of "school" today for a day with his Aunt K before she starts back to college...whew! Already been kind of a long week (for us, at least)

Hope everybody is doing great and having a terrific week! 

August 3, 2012

August is SMA Awareness Month!!

Guys-I have so many things I need to update on here and I will soon...promise! But, this takes the lead on the list of important (my rambling is important, no?) things I want to say on this blog.....As I have spoken about many times before, sweet Miller McNeil Woodruff is an angel baby and spends his days now playing happily and watching over his lovely momma, daddy, and big brother (and soon to be sister!) from Heaven. While his time was short here on Earth, his impact was INCREDIBLE! This month is SMA awareness month so please take a moment to watch this great PSA featuring Mr. Miller!

I'm with Miller!! /\/\/\/\/\