June 7, 2012


Goodness! Is it Thursday already?? My how the time flies! Although looking back I can't really pinpoint a bazillion things we have done but the past week sure has felt busy!! so, let's see...what have we been up to?

*Friday night I attended Husband's ten year high school reunion. Because I moved my senior year, I did not attend my own ten year reunion, ahem, several years ago (yes, I am the oldest one in our house unless you count my treasures..) so I really had no idea what to expect but we had a great time and I got to hear some funny stories about Husband growing up. Always entertaining!!

*Saturday Husband joined us on our normal shopping trip but this time we made a stop at Sam's! It was husband's idea and man, am I glad we did! We only bought things that we would absolutely use in a normal period of time but I am SO glad that he suggested we go there. As a momma who is always trying to stretch every dollar, I was super excited to be able to stock up on lots of items we use on a daily basis...especially meat items. We are carnivores in my house. We eat meat at pretty much every meal and it can get pretty expensive so i was super happy to be able to buy chicken, tenderloin, beef, lunch meat, heck, even some STEAKS (!!-which would normally be a splurge but husband deserves a steak when he wants one (as I said a quiet prayer or two that I wouldn't ruin it like I have done in the past :/ ) etc that can be used in the coming week or frozen for a later date. Saved a TON of money in the long run which, I will admit, makes this momma VERY happy!

* Saturday afternoon we had TWO birthday parties...back to back. We made it through 75% of the second one before having a giant melt down and having to sneak out the back. I will be the first to admit that I am not a perfect parent and my baby is not, in fact, one of those kids who is perfect 100% of the time. I am very blessed and he is very, very well behaved but just like his momma....when you get tired/hot/hungry...good Lord, y'all better watch out! Hey, what can I say....he comes by it honest!

* Sunday we held an impromptu dinner for Husband's parents and grandparents. I made turkey breast tenderloins, homemade mashed potatoes, oven roasted vegetables, salad, crescent rolls, cookies, and ice cream sundaes for dessert. My cooking prayers for the evening were answered and everything turned out great (whew-I always worry how my cooking will turn out and even more so when it is for his family). I feel like any time I get asked how I cooked something that means it was a success!

*Monday night I remade the stroganoff recipe but with egg noodles this time and it was tasty!

*Tuesday night Husband had a friend over for dinner and I said another kitchen prayer and made steaks and chicken on the grill along with more homemade mashed potatoes (Granny would be so proud!) and roasted vegetables, crescent rolls, etc with fruit and ice cream for dessert. I don't like to pat myself on the back much (I really don't!) but the guys were VERY happy with their steaks and neither of the rib eyes ended up looking like beef jerky! Whew again!

*Wednesday night we rode in the golf cart with Husband while he played 9 holes with his aunt, uncle, and mom.

*Tonight my normal Thursday night Girl's Night got canceled so, I kid you not, I am not doing anything!! haha Actually, that isn't true...I have a new homemade pasta recipe to try (gonna make a big pot and freeze it for future meals) and also, a chocolate chip recipe (I have about 10 recipes for chocolate chip cookies but have yet to find THE ONE) to try......and do some dishes. We are very exciting around these parts ;)

Hope everyone has had a terrific week! <3

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