May 23, 2013

So thankful..

Things I am thankful for today...

  • little boy snuggles first thing when he gets up
  • green grapes
  • coffee...always
  • sister love
  • a boss who somehow just knew that today would be the perfect day to buy me an ice cream sandwich just was delicious
  • not freaking out (yet) about the calories, fat, sugar, etc in the above steps, lo, baby steps. Food disorders are terrible, terrible things
  • my Savior, Jesus, for loving my imperfect matter what
  • Hope.

Just for me...

back to blogging....but, this time...just for me. For a place to jot my thoughts. For a place to jot my struggles and wins. Blogging is a great place for a socially awkward introvert to talk...without really having to talk.

Dear today,

You are a whole new day. Filled with joy because any day I get to live is a day worth living. I will not let negativity take over any longer.

I can do all things through my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
